The QE II Playing Field, Exford
The playing field immediately north of the church is often referred to as the Cricket Ground or Field – but is now formally known as the Queen Elizabeth II Playing Field Exford.
Between 2012 and 2015, Exford Parish Council worked hard to permanently secure the fields and pavilions for the community. The property is now dedicated as a Field In Trust, formerly the National Playing Fields Association, in perpetuity to be used as a public playing field and recreation ground and a public indoor recreation facility. Exford Parish Council holds the land title (Land Registry No. ST303436) in a Custodian capacity on behalf of the QE II Field Management Committee, who act as Trustees overseeing the maintenance, development and proper use of the grounds and facilities. It was awarded special QE II status by Fields in Trust in celebration of the 2012 Diamond Jubilee of Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II.
The QE II Playing Field, Exford is run as a not-for-profit organisation. It encourages community activity and participation, and the Management Committee comprises representatives of the Parish Council and the clubs who use the facilities, currently Exford Cricket Club, Exmoor Community Youth Club and Exmoor Croquet Club. In this way we support and enable local activities for the young through to elderly in our community.
The QE II Field Management Committee meets at least twice a year, and the minutes are published on this website and displayed on the PC noticeboard. Please note that the minutes are DRAFT until approved at the following meeting.
The current committee is:
- Mr Simon Brown (Chairman) – Exford Parish Council – Tel: 07974 828988
- Mrs Kathryn Tucker (Vice Chairman) – Exford Parish Council
- Mr Paul Jones – Exford Cricket Club
- Mr Will Lock – Exford Cricket Club
- Malcolm Wild – Exmoor Community Youth Club
- Maddie Harrison-Hall – Exmoor Community Youth Club
- Mr Dave Baldwin – Exmoor Croquet Club
- Mrs Ines Collett – Exmoor Croquet Club
Paul Jones is also the voluntary Caretaker and should be the first contact for any urgent matters relating to the state of the grounds and pavilions: Mobile 07811600694
The Pavilions and facilities are available for hire, and anyone interested should contact the Chairman of the QE II Field Management Committee.
Downloads (PDF)
Minutes QE II Mgmt Committee Meeting 25th January 2016
Minutes QE II Mgmt Committee Meeting 12th April 2016
QE II Field Management Committee Constitution_revised April 2016
QEII Playing Field 2015-16 Cash Account
Minutes of QE II Mgmt Committee Meeting 24th January 2017
Minutes of QE II Mgmt Committee Meeting 18th April 2017
QEII Playing Field 2016-17 Cash Account
Record Notes QE II Mgmt Committee Meeting 22nd January 2018
Record Notes QE II Mgmt Committee Meeting 24th April 2018
QEII Playing Field 2017-18 Cash Account
Record Notes QE II Mgmt Committee Meeting 21st January 2019
Record Notes QE II Mgmt Committee Meeting 6th May 2019
QEII Playing Field 2018-19 Cash Account
Record Notes QE II Exford Mgmt Committee Meeting 23rd Jan 2020
The Queen Elizabeth II Field AGM 2020 minutes