Parish Defibrillator

Parish Defibrillator

What is it?

Parish Defibrillator

An Automatic External Defibrillator (AED) is a mobile device that gives the heart an electric shock WHEN SOMEONE’S HEART STARTS BEATING IRREGULARLY to the point where, because it is not pumping properly, it is not getting oxygen to the brain and other organs (cardiac arrest). The AED applies an electric shock across the heart which can reset the heart beat to a normal rhythm.

When do you use it?

Cardiac arrest often occurs without warning. The patient will have usually have collapsed suddenly, will be unconscious and show no pulse or an irregular pulse and NO SIGN OF BREATHING. The person may not move or movements may be sporadic like a seizure (spasms). Their skin may turn bluish from lack of oxygen. If someone requires CPR (cardiopulmonary resuscitation) then they will need the AED.

Where is it?

It is located in the archway between The Crown Hotel and Exmoor Stores and is accessible 24 hours a day. To access the storage box please dial 999 and provide the postcode – they will then release the PIN number for entry. For the emergency services the post code is TA24 7PP.

How do you use it?

Don’t be frightened to use the machine – it will only give an electric shock to the patient if it DOES NOT DETECT A NORMAL HEARTBEAT.

  • First make sure that someone has called for an ambulance and, if the AED isn’t immediately available, give CPR (cardiopulmonary resuscitation) until someone can bring you the AED
  • Take the AED off the wall
  • Switch it on
  • When the machine starts it will tell you clearly visually and verbally what to do at each step
  • Follow the prompts until the ambulance arrives or someone with more experience takes over
  • Try to act quickly and calmly at all times
  • Communicate clearly at all times

Anyone can use the AED – it has a helpful video screen to talk you through any steps you need. In addition, when calling 999 they will stay on the line if needed to assist.

*based at, or work at, the Exmoor White Horse Inn where the AED is located

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